Bridge Equity Group: Getting You From For Sale to Sold

This past Monday, September 2, 2013, Bay Area dwellers rejoiced as the new Bay Bridge opened to travelers after final construction came to a close over the long holiday weekend. Having initiated construction on the new bridge in 2002 it only took a mere eleven years to complete the new and improved bridge project. To watch the complete San Francisco- Oakland Bay Bridge construction time lapse (in four minutes!) click, here. Looking to sell your house but don’t have that kind of time on your hands? Allow the Bridge Equity Group to assist. Connecting home sellers, home buyers, and real estate investors (in the Bay Area), Bridge Equity Group  works to help you to sell quickly and efficiently. Have a property you’re looking to sell? Need to get into a new home asap? Let Bridge Equity group help you bridge the gap between where you are today and where you’d like to be tomorrow.SFOBB_East_Span

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