720 Lagunita Drive, Soquel

720 Lagunita Drive, Soquel

This house was a short sale property suffering from significant deferred maintenance. The majority of the interior work was cosmetic, while the exterior required significant structural repairs. We personally fell in love with the panoramic views of Monterey Bay from its expansive living room space. Shortly after starting the renovation, we realized that an existing family room area could be transformed in to a master bedroom with spectacular views of the Redwoods and coast. We envisioned this being a large home for entertaining weekend guests, or maybe a 2nd home for techies escaping the Bay Area rat race. In the end, a newly wed couple bought the home after falling in love with the views and surrounding beauty.

Take a look at these before and after pictures.

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View all of the images from this Fix and Flip Residential Property Here:


Posted on

December 3, 2014

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